100% organic blackcurrant whole juice

We sell blackcurrant juice and frozen blackcurrants. Our organic whole juice is made from frozen berries. The juice is packaged in juice storage bags with tap (available in sizes 2,25 and 4,7 litres), which make it easy to store and consume it. One litre of whole juice can be diluted into about 8 litres of regular juice. We have the capacity to fill orders all year round and in any quantities required.

NB! Our juice doesn't contain any added sugars.



We hold the organic farming certificate EE-ÖKO-003

Locally produced

Our blackcurrant juice is produced in Setomaa from organically grown blackcurrants


Blackcurrants support the immune system and give vitality

About blackcurrant

Blackcurrant is a real superfood and a wonderful source of vitamin C - by only eating 50 grams of them, the daily vitamin requirement is met.
